Thursday, February 4, 2016

Story of my life! I will learn.. I will grow...

HI.... EVERYONE....!!! I'm Sajith. At the moment I'm writing this blog, I'm totally new to blogging. But I think I can share something for the greater good for the world. That's why I started this.

So.......Who is Sajith...??

I'm 27 years old. A Little bit eager life learner. But I have a great love for the sports. I have done my basic degree in Sports science and management. Then I have joined as a demonstrator(Tutor) from the same university. After one year service, I have decided to go deeper in sports science field. I'm now.....Doing my Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning in High-performance sport in Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia in Spain.

I want to be a Lecturer, Researcher and a sports coach or trainer. Three characters ha...? What are you think? Is it hard to be?? Oh...wait....I forgot the most important thing...I want to be a good person.Yeah.....kind of hard things in my bag. But, You have to achieve the hard targets. Otherwise, no point of a being a human, right?

As I told you earlier, great love for the sports make me search for the new knowledge. That's why I jumped to the research. It's helped me to find new knowledge and share with others.Being a lecturer is help me to knowledge sharing thing and the best way to practice my knowledge is being a sports coach.  My main field is Strength and conditioning at the moment. I don't know whether it will change or not. this moment, I'm running behind this field.  :) :)

Guys, I want to give you a piece of advice.I'm tackling my life hurdles one at a time....And you will too. Just keep trying and don’t stop trying. Dream about it. Work for it....We will succeed.... Not immediately but definitely....!!!

I just put a small step of my blogging journey....Hope you will be with me.....

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